
New Dormitory Needed for the Young Girls of Kenya

The situation facing the girl-child in Kenya is increasingly dire, with a staggering number of orphaned and vulnerable girls seeking refuge and protection at MCF project locations.

Currently, our existing dormitory facilities are stretched to their limits, unable to adequately accommodate the growing number of girls seeking shelter and support.

This overcrowding not only compromises their safety and well-being but also impedes their access to the quality education and rehabilitation services that are essential for their growth and development.

We come to you with a critical need that demands urgent attention: the construction of a new dormitory for our girls at MCF Ndalani. As our family continues to grow, so too does the need for safe and secure housing for the vulnerable young girls under our care.


The Dormitory Project

The new dormitory project aims to address this pressing need by providing spacious, high-quality accommodation for up to 100 girls at MCF Ndalani. The dormitory will serve as a haven for orphaned and vulnerable girls, including child-mothers, who are undergoing rehabilitation and pursuing their education at various levels within the MCF community.

MCF remains steadfast in our commitment to providing essential services to the children under our care. We have implemented stringent health protocols to safeguard the well-being of our children and staff while simultaneously working to resume construction activities and expedite the completion of the dormitory project.

How can you help the young women of MCF?

You can help make this a reality with a financial gift.

Your contribution will not only provide a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable girls but will also save lives by offering them a chance at a brighter future.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these precious girls, empowering them to break free from the cycle of poverty and adversity and realize their full potential.

Thank you for helping us provide protection and security for the young women of Kenya.


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