Mully, the Movie
This feature length documentary charts the inspirational story of Charles Mully's life, including the founding of Mully Children's Family.
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The Story Behind the Mully Documentary
The idea of a life documentary was born from a business man who had learned of Charles’s wonderful work in Kenya with the rescue of street children and who would read Paul Boge biography of Dr. Mulli, Father to the Fatherless. This man was John Bardis, CEO of MedAssets, a US-based healthcare improvement company. John felt that Charles’s story was one that should be shared with everyone. Ironically, John had a friend who had just had a documentary done about his life and this is how John was introduce to Scott Haze, who would become the director of the Mully movie. The movie project began in 2014 but would not reach the US movie screens until a Fathom event release in the fall of 2017.
The Mully movie was distributed in partnership with For Good, a philanthropic organization based in Los Angeles and Focus on the Family, a global family ministry, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The documentary was seen by over 128,000 people in the three-day Fathom release in October 2017, which resulted in a special encore performance for the film in November.
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