Help MCF love on children with beds, food, medical care, and education.
Grateful for your gifts.
Your gift to Mully's Children Family ensures that we never say no to a child. Help us give hope to the hopeless, one child at a time.
Your generosity can save children’s lives and help us create a better future for the hopeless.
Loving Orphans
With your gift you can help MCF serve the least and lost children of Kenya using our holistic approach to Lift, Love, and Launch these marginalized children.
How We Love
When MCF opened 32 years ago, Charles and Esther Mulli vowed to never turn away a child in need. This commitment stands true even today and is emphasized by the fact that MCF takes in over 500 orphaned children each year. Consequently, MCF is always challenged to address the housing needs for our growing family.
Presently MCF has 10 children’s dorms on the Ndalani campus and another 9 dorms on the Malindi campus. Recently MCF was able to build a new two-story girls' dorm on the Ndalani campus which will accommodate up to 80 children.
Current Housing Needs: We presently need furnishings for a new girls' dorm finished during covid.
MCF currently operates a small clinic on its campuses in the communities of Ndalani and Yatta, designed to fulfill the basic medical and preventive needs of the MCF orphanage and staff.
The clinics are not only used for the orphaned children but are also the primary health center for the surrounding community of approximately 22,000 people. The clinic is staffed by a clinical officer (comparable to a physician assistant level) and 6 social/community health workers in Ndalani and 4 in Yatta campus. The health workers provide counseling to the patients and are the link to the community for health programs and to provide health education. These health education programs include water and sanitation, family planning, etc.
MCF spends approximately $17,000 per month on medicine for the children and community.
Current Health Care Needs:
- Dental services: Tooth extraction and treatment of dental infections. Currently the population has to travel to Matuu or further for these procedures, and most are unable to pay for transport and/or services.
- Obstetric/gynecologic services: Currently there are 8 MCF students with children; one student currently pregnant. Those within MCF are transferred to higher level clinics prior to delivery; after delivery the student and her child transfer to live at MCF Yatta in order to access child-care.
- Ultrasound during pregnancy to detect high risk conditions is a critically needed service in rural Kenya.
- Community outreach programs: A clinic based community outreach worker is needed to connect community members to the clinic in an effort to provide timely access to health services and bridge cultural, social and economic gaps. There is no active component of community outreach currently at MCF Ndalani. Community outreach programs in other regions of Kenya have resulted in dramatic decreases of death and disability.
MCF provides access to a quality education to over 1,000 students on our Ndalani Campus from baby class through form 4 (or the equivalent of grade 12 as we know it here in the US). MCF students have long been recognized for receiving the highest marks in their region on the national exams taken after completing grades 4, 8, and form four.
The Charles Mulli Community School also provides education for over 1,300 secondary school students coming from the surrounding community around Ndalani but whose families are too poor to pay the normal government school fees.
The Malindi Women’s Rescue Center provides education for over 180 young teen mothers who participate in a two-year program to teach them a trade such as hairdressing, tailoring, cooking, and knitting as well as valuable life skills and in many instances how to care for and love their babies.
MCF supports more than 40 disadvantaged and needy community schools in the Ndalani area with food relief so the schools can provide a healthy daily meal for their students (in most cases the only one they will receive for the day) and other resources and school supplies.
MCF spends over $50,000 alone to provide the 1,000 children on the Ndalani with composition books, pens, and textbooks.
Current Education Needs: $20,000 - Chemistry, Physics, and Biology laboratory materials and national examination requirements.
Holistic transformation of many vulnerable children whose backgrounds are characterized by drug abuse, child prostitution, and general delinquent behavior has been made possible through children participation in consistent and child friendly spiritual development programs and activities.
MCF is a faith ministry founded on Christian principles hence seeks to promote Spiritual Development, Guidance, and Counseling while at the same time respecting the religious persuasion and backgrounds of the targeted children.
You Can Love a Child
You can invest in the life of an orphan. Mully Children’s Family is so much more than an orphanage or home for children, MCF is a family.
MCF is the World’s Largest Family with over 18,000 siblings and counting. Through the love of Jesus, MCF is able to unite children from over 42 Kenyan tribes into a single Family.
We never turn away a child and need the help of others to continue “Saving Children’s Lives”!
You have an opportunity to join Mully Children’s Family in giving an orphaned, abandoned or abused child the opportunity to overcome their circumstances and to use their God-given talents but to do so we need your help!
To do so we need your help!