
Help MCF lift children out of danger, neglect, abuse and extreme poverty.

Orphans on Street
Kenya 2021

Grateful for your gifts.

Your gift to Mully's Children Family ensures that we never say no to a child. Help us give hope to the hopeless, one child at a time.

Your generosity can save children’s lives and help us create a better future for the hopeless.

A Crisis in Kenya
A Crisis in Kenya

Lifting Orphans

With your gift you can help MCF serve the least and lost children of Kenya using our holistic approach to Lift, Love, and Launch these marginalized children.

Orphans on Street


children in Kenya

Help MCF rescue and lift children out of danger, neglect, abuse and extreme poverty.

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Children in Dormatory


never turn away a child in need

Our family houses, educates, nurtures, and pours into the emotional health of each child we are blessed to love and rehabilitate.

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Kenya 2021 Graduation


investing into men and women

MCF has invested in 18,000+ children who have been given the chance to live a dignified life. They were reintegrated back into their communities to launch their new lives.

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The Orphan Crisis

Do we really understand the magnitude of the Orphan Crisis?

photo: orphan toddler sitting

Needing a Helping Hand

In Kenya, the situation of orphans and vulnerable children is an issue of great concern. In Kenya alone, there are estimated to be more than 3.6 million orphans. This equates to 700 children orphaned every day or one child orphaned every two minutes.

The child mortality statistics have improved in recent years but Kenya still sees 64,500 children die every year before reaching age 5, mostly from preventable causes.

Children do not choose to become orphans.

Up to Fifteen percent of Kenyan households are headed by an orphan sibling. These alarming statistics represent the reality of the orphan crisis in Kenya today.

Something is being done.

Love through Education

Recognizing the need that something must be done to change the course for these forgotten and often abused children, Charles Mulli founded Mully Children’s Family in 1989.

Over the past 32 years, MCF has successfully rescued, rehabilitated and returned to society more than 18,000 orphaned children.

Charles Mulli has often been asked why he encourages MCF beneficiaries who have completed the MCF program to return to the villages and communities from which they came, so long as it is safe.

The answer is that Charles believes that real change in the world is accomplished by "One Child at a Time." These restored children become prominent business people and leaders within their communities as well as sharing the gospel and the love of Jesus as they personally experienced during their time at MCF.

We Need Your Help

Help Mully Children’s Family lift children from danger, neglect, abuse and extreme poverty. Our family currently has over 4,900 children who look to us for their daily care.

Over the past 32 years Mully Children’s Family has rescued, rehabilitated and reintegrated into society over 18,000 children who have been given the chance to live a dignified life.

On average Mully Children’s Family takes in over 500 new children each year prior to covid or 42 new children each month.

You have an opportunity to join Mully Children’s Family in giving an orphaned, abandoned or abused child the chance to overcome his or her circumstances and to use their God given talents!

To do so we need your help!

Invest in a Child

Charles Mulli with toddler
Thank You