Fall 2016 Newsletter

Fall 2016 Newsletter

Featured Student

Born the 1st of 4 children into an unloving family,
abuse, despair, and hopelessness reigned over most
of Elizabeth Chepkemboi’s life. Absent the money or
desire to send her to school, her family forced her to
work at the age of 8. Employers regularly beat her
for the next 6 years until returning her home to an
unwelcoming Aunt. Desperately seeking love,
Elizabeth married at 15 and quickly had two children.
Sadly, her husband drank and abused her while
married to another woman as well. Finding temporary
refuge at her stepfather’s, she resorted to making
the local Changaa brew to support her children.
Threatening to report Elisabeth’s illegal activity, evil and manipulative men blackmailed her into having sex with them.

Before relinquishing all hope, a pastor told her of Mully Children’s Family. The Yatta campus shortly thereafter opened its loving arms to Elizabeth where her life trans­ formation began. Today, she and her 3 children flourish at the woman­focused campus where she trains to be a hairdresser. James 1:12 captures Elizabeth’s miraculous life story: Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

What’s New?

How is Mully Children’s Family Different from other Charities?

In the 1st of a 3 part series, we address this common question with one of our key differentiators ­ sustainability. Driven by Dr. Mulli’s own personal experience and desire of working for food instead of asking for it, Mully Children’s Family fully embraces the doctrine of teaching people how to fish. In addition to feeding the children, initiatives such as growing French beans generate a financially attractive byproduct ­ income. Simply put, investing in sustainability drives a higher financial return which, in turn, can be reinvested. While sustainable programs contribute 30% towards MCF’s annual budget, the goal is to reach 70% in the next few years.

Environmental sustainability generates its own unique benefits as well. By planting over 1 million trees, Dr. Mulli’s wisdom and vision transformed an arid climate to one generating plentiful rainfall to grow crops. Sustainability programs also benefit the community financially as MCF employs an average 500 local residents. Should anyone ask why sustainability is so important at MCF, give them the simple math:

higher sustainability = saving more children’s lives!

Mully College:
A historical MCF milestone just occurred bringing to reality yet another Charles Mulli vision ­ Mully College. With much appreciated assistance from the Pan African University, the school opened its doors to 110 students. Initially a 2 year college, the school will evolve into a comprehensive 4 year program, Mully International University. In addition to delivering a premier education and

training curriculum, the institution will instill key virtues of hard work, humility, servant leadership, and honesty to its students. While MCF considers education as the most powerful and effective tool for transforming society, the guiding principle for the school is to leverage higher education to develop students into disciples for spreading the Gospel.


Girls Dorm
40 young women are the ecstatic new
tenants of the first 2 story dorm building
on any MCF campus. An amazing and
beautifully crafted stonework structure
greeted the girls, many who recently
transferred from Yatta as a longer term initiative. The dorm’s completion is timely to accommodate further Yatta transfers to create more living space for the newly opened Mully college in Yatta. As the Kenyan government increasingly relies on Mully Children’s Family as safe refuge for children at risk, construction of additional dorm space is necessary to house the growing population.

Textbook Campaign
What appeared initially an insurmountable goal is now another success story due to you, our generous donors. MCF­US is elated to report reaching the Textbook campaign goal of $115,000! The initiative began as an impromptu discussion in February with Ndalani teachers on their needs. This achievement’s relevence is that MCF stays current with the requisite government textbooks, curriculum, and preparation for national exams. It also enhances Mully Children’s Family’s top 10% national scholastic rating.

Yatta Water Treatment
The Yatta water treatment plant
represents a Waumba (Swahili for rock
or foundation) for advancing sustain­
ability at Mully Children’s Family.
Facing impossible challenges due to
polluted water from the Thika river,
MCF took action by launching a com­
prehensive water treatment plant
earlier this year. The plant represents a sustainability game changer as it enables mass production of high­yielding Roma tomatoes which generate substantial margins and income. With the 3 retention pond walls nearly finished, the project’s end of year completion remains on target.

Mully Children’s Family and the Area Chief recently signed an agreement critical for gaining full support and buy­in of the community. Though elated local residents would have gladly began using the water as is, ensuring it’s safety prior to use was a priority as impure water is the number one source of life­threatening diseases in Kenya. Steps for completion of the borehole (well) include building and implementing a: (1) purification system (2) powered deep well pump (3) holding

tank (4) power system to harness the abundant solar power. The target completion is contingent upon raising $55,550 needed to finish it. In the interim, MCF has been supplying clean water to the Lodwar community from a source 20 miles away. For more on how you can help advance this project, please visit www.mcfus.org/donate/our­projects/.

Did You Know?

Amazon Contributes to MCF USA
When You Purchase on Smile
With the holiday season around the
corner, don’t forget Amazon contributes
.5% to your designated charity through
Amazon Smile. You must first name Mully
Children’s Family USA as the recipient.
Visit www.smile.amazon.com for
instructions to designate or change your
current charity to MCF USA. After
purchasing through Amazon Smile, remember to share your MCF USA contribution with your favorite social networks by clicking on the links which appear.

3rd Annual Christmas Wish List is Coming Soon

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change ­ James 1:17.

The upcoming 3rd annual MCF Christmas Wish List is a perfect opportunity for you to enlighten the life of an MCF child. Whether feeding a child for a month, gifting a goat for milk, or even sponsoring an MCF Child, remember that no gift is too small when given from the heart. Krismasi Njema (Merry Christmas)!

Enhancing trust in Christ­centered ministries by demonstrating integrity, credibility, and accountability.


MCF­USA | 3000 Old Alabama Rd. | Suite 119­302 | Alpharetta, GA 30022­8555 | mcfusa2day @gmail.com | www.mcfus.org

He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me”. Mark 9: 36­37

Please consider sponsoring an MCF child, visit:

https://mcfus.org/ donate/child­ sponsorship/

Maximize your Mully Children’s Family contribution by becoming an

MCF Care Partner @ www.mcfus.org/donate/ May the grace of God be with you!