Lending A Helping Hand

“I do not like to see anyone sleep hungry, the way I did when I was young. I can not turn a blind eye to someone, when I know I can lend a helping hand to that individual.” These are the words of Daddy Mully. About 2 months ago, a report was brought to Daddy Mully and his wife Esther that there are a number of disabled persons, youths and children, who have been sleeping hungry quite often, since the Covid-19 struck Kenya in March 2020. These disabled persons are accident victims who lost their memory and ability to communicate, walk or feed themselves. No     one has ever come to look for them or identify them, yet they have lost all their memory and their ability to communicate. The other set of these needy persons are babies who were found thrown, because they had cerebral palsy. It is widely believed in many cultures in Kenya that a child born with any mental and physical disability are a bad omen to the family and must be eliminated at all costs.

MCF has for the last two months been supplying these persons  with  food,  vegetables from our farm, soap, diapers, medication and giving them the Love of Christ.

Please join us in prayer for God to make it clear what he wants us to do with this  new weight of responsibility. That God will provide enough resources for  us  to share with those who are in desperate condition around us. Kindly pray for this group of people who have known nothing other than rejection.

Matthew 25:35-36 (AMP)

For I was hungry, and  you gave Me something  to  eat;  I was thirsty,  and  you gave  Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me [with help and ministering care]; I     was in prison, and you came to Me [ignoring personal danger].’