Spared By God’s Grace and Intervention
The months of January and February witnessed an invasion of millions of desert locusts in the Eastern Africa Region. Millions of locusts flew into Kenya from Ethiopia wiping out all vegetation. This has resulted in destruction of crops in the fields including trees and other vegetation. It is estimated that the locust effect will result in reduced harvest contributing to the ongoing shortage of food in Kenya and increasing the cost of food in the coming months. We praise God that He performed a miracle by causing a very heavy downpour of rain coupled with winds that blew the millions of locusts that were just a few kilometres from our MCF Ndalani and Yatta farms, towards a different direction preventing the devastation of our farms.
The adverse effects of the drought in 2019 continues to impact the country. MCF is providing emergency relief to schools within the community to enable children to remain in school and receive a hot lunch. This outreach has been made possible through the donations made by generous friends like you! For that, we remain grateful and lift the name of the Lord up high.
Please continue to pray for Kenya and other neighboring countries. Pray for the complete removal of the locust invasion.
From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, the name of the Lord is to be praised. The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens. (Psalms 113: 1-