Mully Messenger Winter 2020
Beneficiary Spotlight:
God’s Plan: Book 1 – Youssef’s Story
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Youssef Etabo must have felt God misplaced a plan for him as a child. After his mother contracted HIV, his father moved the family to a rural region of western Kenya where an astonishing 20% of the population had the virus. Working as a Barber, his father caught HIV and died leaving a gravely sick wife behind.
To provide for his family, Youssef sacrificed school and took on seasonal jobs where employers under-payed him knowing he had little recourse. Fueling the misery,
his mother died from AIDS but it was in this moment of intense darkness God’s plan began to emerge. Hope waning, Youssef began praying and reading the Bible for courage. Unbeknownst to him, he read Jeremiah 29:11 every day. God’s plan surfaced at his mother’s funeral when an MCF staff person approached Youssef.
Within weeks, Mully Children’s Family fulfilled Youssef’s prayers accepting him into the family where Youssef experienced a “small heaven” upon his arrival. No longer a slave to agony, he plans to be an electrical engineer. Mungu akubariki Youssef and those who patiently and obediently await for His plan to unfold.
Christmas in Kenya
A difficult season for many, MCF strives to be a beacon of love, hope, and peace to those in need during Christmas. As the drought’s ripple down impact continued to impact countless Kenyans, M
CF showed their community outreach delivering emergency food, cleanwater, and prayers to over 10,000 sick, elderly, and families. As YOU made this happen, click on h ttps:// to hear MCF’s gratitude. You also made a hot lunch possible for 400 prisoners at the Yatta prison and food for 1,000+ police, wardens, and other law enforcement officers living in poor conditions.
Ndalani Guest Houses Completed – All That’s Missing is YOU
After years of construction, the Guest House project at Ndalani is now complete! If you have a desire to experience what God is doing at Mully Children’s Family, new rooms for up to 60 guests await you. On the edge about visiting MCF? Take two minutes to watch Andrea’s experience at For a list of upcoming trips or to make a monthly or one time tax-deductible donation to assist a team going, visit
Did You Know?
God’s Plan: Book 2 – Food Delivery Timing Occasionally we experience supernatural coincidences only to be reminded of who’s really in control.
Dunwoody United Methodist set out over two years ago by submitting an application with Rise Against Hunger, a global hunger-relief organization which partners with churches. Two years later and after numerous obstacles, the shipment containing 300,000 meals arrived in Kenya at the drought’s height. Ironically, the Georgia team arrived in Kenya the same week enabling them to dispense the food. Unable to produce food at drought-stricken Ndalani farms, the meals were vital in feeding 6,000 students daily which kept them in school to study for the national exam.
Valentines Day is 365 Days a Year at Mully Children’s Family
One day every year, people express their love for each other by exchanging over 1 billion cards and 50 million roses on Valentines Day. At Mully Children’s Family, we love like Jesus 365 days a year turning the impossible into the possible for thousands of orphaned and at risk children. To see how we love and what 3RP means, click on h ttps:// to experience faith, hope, and the greatest of all- love – in action every day at MCF.
What’s New?
MCF’s Specialized Care: Junior and Paul
After their alcoholic mother died, MCF rescued orphaned brothers Junior (9) and brother Paul(6) on August 14 from a nearby hospital.Furious after returning home to find their mother passed out from drinking, her boyfriend set fire to their mud house. While the mother died, the boys survived but with with severe burns that required highly specialized medical care. Due to your kind hearts, MCF funded the boys extensive medical rehabilitation. Despite a near death experience, these boys are energetic, happy, and grateful to be in the Largest Family in the World.
Level 4 Yatta Hospital Plans Revealed
Charles Mulli recently announced plans to construct a hospital on the Yatta Campus as a critical service for MCF and the surrounding community. Having the resources to provide comprehensive medical and surgical services, the Level 4 medicalfacility was made possible by seed money provided by the Sorenson Legacy Foundation. Offering guidance on the design, scope, and initial staffing of the Medical Center is the University of Utah Global Health while ProjectC ure will help equip the facility. Consistent with the Yatta theme, the medical facility will specialize in child and women’s care.