Dr. Charles Mulli Enviromental Day
Dr. Mulli Environmental Award Initiative was started by Daddy Mulli to reward the best schools annually to inspire active participation of schools in the adopt-a-tree initiative, among other social intervention.The Adopt-a- tree campaigns, among children and youth in schools, was instigated to influence active participation of target community to replicate successes in environmental transformation within MCF institutions. The campaign has been targeting children and students in primary schools as well as students in secondary schools in Yatta Sub-County.
The award seeks to recognize the three most outstanding students and schools (both primary and secondary) who have had innovative successful projects on behaviour change and climate change initiatives. A total of 23 schools and two institutes of higher learning were invited to join in the MCF Yatta fraternity in planting more than 2500 trees.
Let us keep praying that the investment of knowledge that MCF has done through this campaign will have a permanent impression in the lives of the young people, to know that they are indeed responsible for their own environment.
Genesis 1:26 (NIV) “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Proverbs 27:18a (MSG) “If you care for the orchard, you’ll enjoy its fruit;