Heart & Soul Trip Day 4
The Heart & Soul team spent Thursday making a visit to the Kibera slum located in Nairobi, Kenya. The team traveled with former rescued orphans of Kibera who now are students at MCF Ndalani. The Kibera slum is a place of extreme poverty as the mean wage is less than $1 per day. Over 100,00 orphans live day to day in Kibera and only 1 in 5 makes it to their fifth birthday. Mully Children’s Family supports various schools and child care ministries in the slum to offer hope to the Hopeless and help alleviate the tensions that exist in such poverty. MCF also adopts many of the orphans who are deemed the “least of these”.
The Heart & Soul team visited the surviving relatives of the students from MCF and brought food supplies such as rice, cooking oil, maize and beans to each of the families. It has been said that a person can visit the slum but one can never forget the sights and smells of people trying to survive day to day in conditions not conducive to healthy living