Most Grateful for the Outpouring of Love
Warm Greetings to Our MCF Extended Family and Friends,
The first case of the Corona Virus reached Kenya on March 13. Consequently, Mully Children’s Family is taking immediate steps to protect our children and staff by encouraging visitors to kindly postpone their plans to visit the MCF campus until a better understanding of this threat can be reached. The Kenya government has temporarily closed the boarders to non-residents.
Over the last several years, Mully Children’s Family has faced some tough challenges; from extreme drought creating severe food shortages to catastrophic flooding causing loss of life and crop damage. With each challenge you faithfully stood by us with your prayers and financial support. We are most grateful for your outpouring of love.
We are living in unparalleled times. Just as you have stood by MCF in our time of need, we want you to know we are standing by you now. Our prayers go out to you and your family above all for your health and safety.