Socio-economic Empowerment
As it is entrenched in our mission, MCF seeks to uplift communities in order to live a dignified life. We seek to create job opportunities to mainly widows and the poor in the society by employing them in our various MCF departments and especially in the areas of unskilled labor. On average we have approximately 550 persons who earn a living by working in MCF either as unskilled laborers or skilled professional.
We ask God to continually bless the work of their hands and that they will work diligently in all their assignments. Above all that they will look at this opportunity as one of fulfilling God’s vision in saving children’s lives.
Psalms 146:5-10 (MSG)
Instead, get help from the God of Jacob, put your hope in God and know real blessing! God made sky and soil, sea and all the fish in it. He always does what he says-he defends the wronged, he feeds the hungry. God frees prisoners-he gives sight to the blind, he lifts up the fallen.
God loves good people, protects strangers, takes the side of orphans and widows, but makes short work of the wicked. God’s in charge-always.
Zion’s God is God for good! Hallelujah!