The New Normal
Disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and associated containment measures have adversely affected children, families, economies and governments all around the globe. The impact of social distancing, wearing of face masks, dusk to dawn curfew, closure of all learning institutions, suspension of most economic
activities has devastated people’s livelihoods and impacted consumer spending. This has led to unpaid leaves for workers, job cuts and terminations, as firms race to cut costs to stay afloat, while others have gone under, never to be heard of again. This has seen over a million Kenyans rendered jobless.
The weight of COVID-19 has not spared MCF as a family. We have had to take strict measures in order to protect the children and the co-workers on our premises. Ndalani is our largest campus hosting more than 800 children and additionally 150 co-workers. Strict adherence of wearing masks, washing of hands with soap, observing physical and social distance has become a new norm.
We have put our own lock down in MCF Ndalani with the aim of protecting the family from any outsiders who may be infected. The senior beneficiaries who graduated from MCF Yatta with the supervision of Mummy Esther have made face masks for all the children and the co-workers. So as to help the community around, we are giving face masks for free and distributing free food to poor
families that have been adversely affected by the pandemic.
Our prayer at this time when there is a lot of fear, struggle and uncertainty is this: that the Lord will continue using MCF to reach out to more community members who are languishing in poverty and hunger, by giving them hope as we continue to distribute free food, face masks, soap and sensitize them on precautionary measure
to take against corona virus.
Psalm 29:10-11 (NKJV)
The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, And the Lord sits as King forever.The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.