Healing Hands: MCF’s Medical Camps
Jeremiah 30:17 [NIV]: “For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord…”
In communities where access to healthcare is scarce, lives are often lost due to treatable illnesses exacerbated by limited resources and beliefs in witchcraft. To bridge this gap, MCF is committed to bringing healing and hope through our medical outreach initiatives.
Our community health program reaches households with education on hygiene, nutrition, and primary healthcare. We also identify and support children not in school, guiding them back to education through MCF. Additionally, we facilitate access to specialized medical care for critically ill individuals who cannot afford treatment at public hospitals.
Our medical camps, serving communities up to 150 km away, offer free consultations, diagnosis, and treatment. Currently, a dedicated team from the USA is providing medical services while sharing the love of Jesus Christ with attendees.
These camps unite healthcare professionals in volunteering their skills, ranging from nursing to dentistry, pediatrics, and more. Data collected helps us understand disease prevalence and prepare for the future Mully Mission Hospital.
Together, we extend healing hands and bring light to communities in darkness.
Join us in lifting prayers for our volunteers at the MCF Ndalani Medical camp and forthcoming teams. May patients experience healing grace and God’s unfailing love.